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Rules eased to create more charging points for electric cars

Ministers aim to boost flagging sales of eco-vehicles by ditching planning permission requirement for charging points.


George Clooney and Google launch satellite plan to avert Sudan violence

"UN and Harvard University also partners in Satellite Sentinel Project, which aims to 'stop a war before it starts'"

Category: Communications


2010 review of green technologies

"From electric cars to solar-powered planes and giant turbines, 2010 has seen huge progress in green technology development"

Category: Energy sources


Researchers develop reactor to make fuel from sunlight

Scientists raise hopes for a large-scale renewable source of liquid fuel with a simple reactor that mimics plants.

Category: Energy sources


Ka-Sat net-dedicated spacecraft lifts off

The second European satellite dedicated to delivering broadband internet connections has launched successfully.

Category: Space

Displaying results 521 to 525 out of 2977